Category Archives: Gaming

Population Intensification, Agricultural Intensification, Ecological Degradation, the Game

Looking back over some old notes of mine, I was reminded that I made this game in Flash three years ago: You control a small early historical site surrounded by virgin woodland. The forest provides lumber, but if you burn … Continue reading

Posted in Algorithmic Literacy, Digital Scholarly Work, Gaming, New Aesthetic, Pedagogy | Comments Off

Reason with the Grue

Christian Swinehart has quietly produced a beautiful and digitally rich exploration of choose your own adventure (cyoa) books that should serve as a model for the production of digital scholarly media.  He begins with a small corpus, only twelve books–a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaming, New Literature, Peer Review, Text Analysis | Comments Off

The MMORPG Spring?

Massively multiplayer games have seen all manner of recapitulation of real-world emergent phenomena within their simulated realms (sometimes fostered and sometimes entirely unintended).  But now, Rock, Paper Shotgun is reporting an on-line riot in the science fiction shooter MMORPG Eve … Continue reading

Posted in Gaming, Natural Law, Social Media Literacy | Comments Off

Digital Echoes at AAS

Despite my earlier negativity, there was some digital at the AAS conference in Honolulu after all.  Interspersed with the classic close reading of historical texts filed away in various archives, I saw a few hints at how digital objects and, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaming, HGIS, Spatial Humanities | Comments Off